The Follow Your Joy Project

The blog that centres around nutrition, strength training, emotional literacy and mindset. Reminding you that what you eat and how you think can change not just the look and feel of your body: it literally changes how your brain works. Why wouldn't you want to tap into that so you can follow your joy and continue being the awesome human you are?

What you learn is important. What you tell yourself matters most.

Six Mistakes That Are Keeping You From Losing Body Fat

body fat consistency mindset motivation Aug 18, 2023

At this point in my life, my own fitness journey and business, I’ve coached hundreds of women on how to shed the weight that’s holding them back from following their joy.


I know what works well and I know what pitfalls you should avoid. 


I want you to have so much energy and be having so much fun in life that you’ll drive your friends and family crazy!


So I came up with a list of the six most common mistakes I’ve seen women aged over 35 make over the years when trying to lose body fat and keep it off for good.


(Read to the end because #6 is the most important!)


Mistake #1: Not being consistent enough and seeing ONE program through.

You’re killing your flow when you start one diet or exercise program and then hop to another half way through when you get bored of the first one. All this starting one, taking parts from another, then starting and stopping and starting and stopping all the time. The most important thing you can do if you’re looking to lose body fat consistently from week to week is decide on ONE program or process that fits into your life with specific and manageable goals that you can hit consistently every single time.

Be decisive and persevere starting from where you are. Once you’ve consistently hit your goals, then you can progress with ease and even avoid plateaus.


Mistake #2: Focusing on the wrong things. 

If you aren’t seeing consistent body fat loss from week to week, a big part of this is your diet and how many calories your body is using up. There’s so much noise out there about the best way to lose body fat but for now just follow the science with these three simple rules:

  1. Reduce your energy intake (calories in)
  2. Increase your energy out with movement and exercise (Strength Train)
  3. Prioritise protein

(If you want to learn more about strength training and how much protein to eat, be sure to check out my proven 8 Week Supercharger Gym Program)


Mistake #3: Picking the wrong exercise for your goal.

Even if you’re consistently showing up for yourself, it won’t lead to consistent body fat loss if you’re doing the wrong type of exercise for your body or for your goals.

Be intentional with your exercise, and be sure it’s working for you, not against you. For example, running may increase your cardiovascular health but if your intention is to carve out beautiful shapely muscle, lose body fat and burn more calories in your sleep, then strength training is your friend. 


Mistake #4: Expecting quick results. 

If it doesn’t work out right away, it doesn’t mean that what you’re doing isn't working or that you should quit. This is about consistently showing up and compounding each and every small win. Small wins lead to big results over time just like it takes just one more degree for water to reach boiling point.

Be patient and trust the process, even on days when you just don’t feel like it. The important thing is to keep going.


Mistake #5: Burning out too quickly. 

Body fat loss is a process. A common mistake you may be making is treating it like an intense challenge, going at it too hard, too soon without scheduling rest. If you’re doing this, you’re killing off valuable rest and recovery time that’s essential to your progress and you’re in danger of injury or burning out.

Instead, you need to start from where you are, schedule your training, time your nutrition around your training, prioritise sleep and schedule your rest days.


Mistake #6: You don’t believe you can. 

The biggest challenge women face in their body fat loss journey? They simply don’t believe that it’s possible for them. If you’ve tried and failed to lose body fat many times in the past, it doesn’t mean that it’s not possible for you now. Your body, hormones and beliefs may have changed but I’m here to tell you that it’s still possible for you. You just have to choose to believe it.

Losing body fat consistently and keeping it off for good is not only possible for you, it’s entirely under your control. Sounds like a superpower, right? It is a power indeed that you already possess and can tap into. A power that people who are successful already know about. Napoleon Hill describes it as:

“The power, which is greater than poverty, greater than lack of education, greater than all of your fears and superstitions combined. It is the power to take possession of your own mind and direct it to whatever ends you desire."

So what are you waiting for?


Before you go, check out Build: the 8 Week Supercharger Gym Program so you can start, maintain or accelerate your body fat loss results.

Learn More


Pssst! Want more tips on how to shed the weight that's holding you back?
Follow me on Instagram: @susanrenniefit


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