The Follow Your Joy Project

The blog that centres around nutrition, strength training, emotional literacy and mindset. Reminding you that what you eat and how you think can change not just the look and feel of your body: it literally changes how your brain works. Why wouldn't you want to tap into that so you can follow your joy and continue being the awesome human you are?

What you learn is important. What you tell yourself matters most.

How to Ditch Dieting Forever

bmr body fat calorie calculator diet tdee May 29, 2023

That’s right! You read that right! How to ditch dieting forever!


Does it feel like you’ve spent your whole life on a diet? Perhaps you’ve wasted countless hours convincing yourself that “The diet starts Monday”, or “This time, I’m gonna nail it, I just need to find the motivation to start and find a way to stick to it”?


Maybe something has worked for you in the past, where you’ve successfully shed body fat and you managed to fit into a whole new wardrobe…. for it to last less than a year before you started to pile the body fat back on again (hello old wardrobe)! You’ve done it before, you know how to do it, and you’ve convinced yourself that if you wanted to, you could do it again. Only, you remember that in order to lose the body fat, you had to restrict your calories or you felt deprived having cut out your favourite foods and you found yourself miserable.

Perhaps you’ve convinced yourself that you were never meant to be slim? That no matter what diet you choose or what program you follow or strategy you use, you were destined to feel tired, sluggish and carry an excess of body fat? Or maybe you’ve somehow convinced yourself that you would need to change your whole lifestyle in order to get what you want and that you’re just not ready to commit to that because, lets face it – you are a hoot! You’re fun and you (and others) like who you are most of the time (when you’re not internally stressing over food, your body shape and/or trying to fit into your clothes or stressing over how tired you are most of the time).

If you’re exhausted already just getting to here in this blog post, remember that these are just words. YOU are the one living this, day in, day out! Frankly, I’m exhausted FOR you and I get it because I too was in this very same position until I paid someone to tell it to me straight! Someone who handed me that key I was missing, the last piece of the puzzle that made everything finally make sense. I can tell you, it didn’t involve starving myself, depriving myself, cutting out ANY of my favourite food stuffs or feeling miserable. In fact, for THE FIRST time – I had more energy than I knew what to do with, I felt strong (and I hadn’t lifted a single dumbbell), and I didn’t even have to do any dreaded cardio. I was less depressed and anxious and I felt confident in my own skin, confident enough to get on with just being happy and living my life. I was free.


Here’s the best part, I’m going to GIVE you this information for FREE, right here in this blog post.

Why? Because I don’t want you to live like sh*t anymore! I don’t want you to be emotionally tied to food, a slave to yo-yo diets, pain, tiredness or discomfort and yes, even certain diseases. If you only knew how easy it was to find the best version of yourself on the other side… Well now you will.


If you’re not exhausted and fed up feeling like rubbish – then maybe this post isn’t for you – I won’t be offended if you stop reading now but if you are at all curious to find out the ONE thing that you can do to ditch the diet forever then read on my friend. Let me share with you how to finally stop the noise so you can live your life with the energy, strength and confidence to feel happier and healthier and be the badass self you know and love (or used to love), someone who’s emotions are free from fussing over their diet and a number on the scale. I’m sure you have bigger and better things to focus on, right?


So how do you ditch dieting forever?


Simply, DON’T diet! Don’t get me wrong. I’m not about to punk you here by saying things like “it’s not a diet, it’s a lifestyle change”. I’m simply urging you to do the ONE thing that you haven’t done yet, something you should have done a long time ago that would have saved you years of yo-yo dieting, heartache and no doubt hundreds of pounds of your hard earned cash – if not more – along the way.


Firstly, let me just ask you a question:


If you wanted to take a road trip and you knew it would take at least 24 hours to reach your destination, what would you need?

Spoiler alert – you would need A CAR and FUEL in the tank, right? Specifically, you would need enough fuel in the tank to get you there, otherwise you’re walking, pal!


Now I want you to think of your BODY as the CAR in this scenario and the FUEL in the tank is what you consume to fuel you: as in – FOOD AND DRINK, in fact ANYTHING that makes it past your lips. The fuel in your car is measured in litres and the food and drink you consume is measured in CALORIES, right? Your typical day lasts 24 hours so why wouldn’t you make sure you had enough FUEL for energy to see you through those 24 hours and get to your destination safely and comfortably? Not enough fuel in the tank and you run out of fuel. Too much fuel all at once, and it’s going to spill over. It won’t get used for fuel. It’ll be a hazard, lying in a puddle on the ground having just cost you money for nothing. Get the picture? Now wait! Now that I’ve mentioned calories, I already hear you protest that you don’t want to start counting calories, hear me out will you?


Believe it or not, your body is CONSTANTLY running on fuel, even when you sleep! The ignition is never switched off until the day you stop breathing and you die. It’s that simple AND it’s a scientific FACT! Your body needs a supply of fuel (calories in) just to lie still (otherwise known as your BMR – your Basal Metabolic Rate), therefore ANYTHING else that you find yourself doing every day such as standing up, eating, hugging someone, walking, running, exercising – EVERYTHING that’s not simply lying still needs an EXTRA supply of fuel (known as your TDEE – your Total Daily Energy Expenditure). How much fuel that YOU need is different from the amount that someone else needs because no two bodies are the same.


So let me ask you this:


Will cutting out an entire food group help you to sustain enough energy your body needs if you don’t know how much fuel you need? Will eating in moderation get you to your destination if you have no idea how much fuel is in the tank? Will eating what you perceive to be ‘healthy foods’ get you to where you want to go if you cannot see the fuel gauge? No! Why would you run the risk of running on empty if all you had to do was find out how much fuel you’ll need and then stop every few hours to put the right amount of fuel in the tank?


Sounds too simple? It really IS that simple!


This is your starting point! Find out how many calories YOUR body needs to survive one day in your life.


Not a general rule such as “I’ve heard that women need 1800 and men need 2000” No! Find out what YOU need. How do you find out?


I’ve created a calculator just for YOU so that you can find out how many calories YOUR body needs in a day. Here’s the best part: it’s completely free to use.


I’m not joking when I say that knowing how many calories my body needed was the single most important piece of the puzzle for me. No more guess work. No more magazine articles written by someone trying to sell me a product. No more Atkins, Paleo, Low Carb, sins, starving, stressing- just eating without the guilt and having the energy to do what I wanted to do, seriously just getting outside some days was a struggle prior to this knowledge because I “just didn’t feel like it”. I was a hoot to be around in those days (and I’m being sarcastic in case you can’t tell).


Knowing your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure aka how many calories you need in a day) is THE most effective piece of information you will ever have in order to truly make a transformation in your life. Knowledge is power (and I don’t care what Spiderman or his Uncle Ben says) but with this power, comes FREEDOM. Freedom from clutching at one diet to the next. Freedom from the slow metabolism you have incurred due to your body hanging onto its fat stores because it doesn’t trust that you’ll feed it what it needs anymore. No, you’re not stuck with a slow metabolism – it IS possible to repair it and speed it up and you should start by knowing your body’s daily caloric needs.


Still haven’t managed to convince you? Okay. So you don’t want to invest a small amount of time learning how to do this. You could do one of to things. One: just keep going round in this vicious, agonising cycle of yo-yo dieting, further flushing your metabolism down the toilet. Life is not that bad really. Great! Or you could find out your TDEE, download an app like My Fitness Pal and start tracking your calories until you get to know intuitively how much you need to eat. By giving your body the fuel it needs, you will start to feel amazing in your own skin. I guarantee it! You will finally start to see that you need to eat to keep you metabolism running along and the faster your metabolism, the more body fat you will burn.


The idea is not to have you rely on or become a slave to calorie counting. That would just be trading one master for another. The idea is for you to learn how many calories you need so that in time, it becomes second nature and you won’t need to track. Like learning any new skill – learn the basics, step by step before it becomes automatic. Like looking at the number six on a dice: you don’t need to count the dots to know that you’re looking at a six but there WAS a time, you had to count those dots to learn what they meant. Am I right?


So what are you waiting for? Got a spare 5 minutes? Hop on over to the calculator I created just for you and find out that magic number. The number is unique to you at this point in time and different for each of us. After all, you are a unique individual and capable of so much more than you realise. So if you had the choice, wouldn’t you want to ditch the diet forever and start eating? Wouldn’t you want to be happy and free to choose what you want to eat, having the energy to fulfil all that you’re passionate about without wasting your energy stressing about what to eat, when? Well now you can.



You’re not going to believe just how much this is going to change your life. You’re seriously going to want to thank me in person one day, that’s how confident I am about this. I truly wish you all the very the best.


Oh, and you’re welcome!



Love fae



Here’s your link to the FREE calorie calculator I created for you:


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